Course page for Mek4250 / Mek9250
Course page from 2023
A lot of the material, exercises will be the same as in 2023. Hence, for now, in order to get a complete picture of the
course, have a look there.
Mandatory Exercise
- The mandatory exercise is here .
Reading material
- Jan 22: Chap 1 updated. Halfway through Chap 2.
- Jan 25: updated Chap 2 and 3.
- Feb 3: updated Chap 3.
- Feb 9: various small updates thanks to Mehdi.
- Feb 11: tried to fix the many inconsistencies between v and w in chap 4.
- March 3: many updates to the first chapters - also two new chapters
- Review on numerical methods for Navier-Stokes equations.
Weekly schedule (will be updated as we go)
- First week: Chapter 1 in the book. Hand-written notes
- Second week: Chapter 2, Exercise 1.1-1.4 in Chap 1. notes based on Chap 2.
- Third week: Chapter 3, Exercises in Chap 2. notes based on Chap 3.
- 4. week (starting Feb 10) : Finnish Chap 3 and start on Chap 4. Exercise 3.1 - 3.5. Notes.
- 5. week (starting Feb 17) : Finnish Chap 4 (ie convection-diffusion ). Exercises 4.1-4.4. Notes.
- 6. week (starting Feb 24) : winter holiday
- 7. week (starting March 3): Start on Chap 5, the Stokes problem. Exercise this week is cancelled.
will be spent on this review) .
- 8. week (starting March 10): Jørgen Dokken will show us the magic of FEniCSx.
He will go through the tutorial .
Exercises on March 12 is an Q&A session for the mandatory exercise.
- 9. week (starting March 17): Start on the following review of methods for Navier Stokes equations (a couple of weeks) Exercises on March 19. is cancelled.
Background reading
Several of these books are available for downloads through the library.
- Braess, Dietrich. Finite elements: Theory, fast solvers, and applications in solid mechanics. Cambridge University Press, 2001. (perhaps the easiest read)
- Brenner, Susanne C., and L. Ridgway Scott. "Finite element multigrid methods." The Mathematical Theory of Finite Element Methods (2008): 155-173.
- Quarteroni, Alfio, and Alberto Valli. Numerical approximation of partial differential equations. Vol. 23. Springer Science & Business Media,
- Elman, Howard C., David J. Silvester, and Andrew J. Wathen. Finite elements and fast iterative solvers: with applications in incompressible fluid dynamics. Oxford university press, 2014.