Course page for Mek4250 / Mek9250


Exam for 2023. Tentative date is May 26.

Weekly schedule (will be updated as we go)

Iterative methods

Some notes on iterative methods (in addition to the ones in the lecture notes)

Mini crash course at Simula

Some papers on singular problems and linear elasticity

The Neumann problem of Poisson and Elasticity.

Some notes on Navier-Stokes equations

  • Slides on NS (notes updated March 17) based on the survey
  • Small note about the explicit scheme.

    Eiril´s git repo

    Eiril´s repo is here . Please make branches and collaborate.

    Slack channel

    Junmiao´s slack channel:

    Mandatory exercise

    The mandatory exercise is here . Deadline March 15.

    Earlier years

    The course will be very similar to previous years, although the order in which the material will be presented will be different. Material from previous years can be found here

    Helpful material