Kent-Andre Mardal
Chief Research Scientist,
Simula Research Laboratory
Professor in Mechanics,
Department of Mathematics,
University of Oslo
Researcher at
K.G. Jebsen Center for Brain Fluid Research
Consulant for
Expert Analytics
- Feb 28 - April 2: Visit to Maiken Nedergaard´s lab, Rochester, NY
- Feb 1 - April 30: Numerical PDEs: Analysis, Algorithms, and Data Challenges , Brown, US
- May 6-10: Visit to Ricardo Ruiz-Baier's lab, Monash, Melbourne, Australia
- May 12-14: International Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics Symposium , Syndney, Australia
- June 3-7: ECCOMAS , Lisbon, Portugal
- June 17-20: Lund Glymphatic Symposium
- June 26-28: The Pulsing Brain, The Royal Society meeting, London, UK
- Nov 25: Oslo Brain Fluid Symposium 2024 , Oslo, Norway
- June 5-9: 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering , Oslo, Norway
- June 16-17: The 6th Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics Symposium , Gainesville, Florida, US
- June 27-29: 7th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering (CMBE22) , Milan, Italy.
- July 10-14: The 9th World Congress of Biomechanics , Taipei, Taiwan
- August 22-26: The 10th International Conference on Numerical Methods and Applications NM&A'22 , Borovets, Bulgaria.
- Nov 2-4: 5th African Conference on Computational Mechanics Cape Town, South Africa.
- De 7: Oslo Glymphatics.
- Feb. 3-24: Monash Workshop on Numerical Differential Equations
and Applications 2020, Melbourne, Australia.
- April 1-June 30: Research visit at Penn State, Ludmil Zikatanov (Canceled due to Covid-19)
- May 25-27: The Glymphatic System: From Theoretical Models to Clinical applications, Copenhagen (Canceled due to Covid-19)
- July 19-24: WCCM-ECCOMAS 2020, Paris (Canceled due to Covid-19).
- August 23-28: ICTAM 2020, Milan (Canceled due to Covid-19).
- Sept1-Nov 30: Research visit at MOX, Paolo Zunino (Canceled due to Covid-19).
- Nov 20-22: Visit Andy Wathen
- Sept 17-18: GEMRIC workshop, Bergen.
- July 8-12: I will present our work at World congress of biomechanics, Dublin.
- June 20-22: Invited talk at Mathematical models in health sciences, Nantes.
- June 10-15: I organize a MS with Marie Rognes at ECCM6/ECFD7, Glaskow.
- June 10-15: Summerschool, Nordic graduate course Computational Mathematical Modeling
in beautiful Norfjordeid .
- May 4-8: I will present our work operator preconditioning of PDE constrained problems at SIAM ALA , Hong Kong.
- April 16-19: invited keynote at INdAM, Rome.
- Jan 9-11: Workshop on solvers for materials with high-aspect-ratio inclusions, Finse
- Des 4-5: 2nd Workshop on computational aspects of perfusion and flow in live tissue, Fantoft, Bergen
- Des 1: Opponent for Marcela Szopos habilitation Mathematical modeling, analysis and simulations for fluid mechanics and their relevance to in silico medicine
- Nov 28:Opponent on the defence of "Flow of biological fluids in patient specific geometries” by Helena Svihlova
- Oct 25: I will present our work in CBC at CSECONF2017 (Oct 23-25, Simula) -- in memory of Hans Petter Langtangen.
- Sept 29-30: Organize workshop Bio-mechanics of living systems from cells to organisms, Oslo
- Sept 27: Invited keynote at Enumath 2017, Voss.
- Aug 14-20: The second week of the nordic graduate course Computational Mathematical Modeling
in beautiful Norfjordeid . Schedule and background material is here .
- June 20: Invited plenary at the
4th Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics Symposium, Atlanta.
- May 25: Invited keynote at HPCSE 2017, Ostrava.
- May 9: Invited plenary Interpore 2017, Rotterdam
- April 11: I will present our work on turbulence detection in cerebral aneurysms at CMBE 2017.
- Feb 26: Invited plenary at ASSR 2017, San Diego.