Course page for Mek4250 / Mek9250
Course page from 2023
A lot of the material, exercises will be the same as in 2023. Hence, for now, in order to get a complete picture of the
course, have a look there.
Mandatory Exercise
- The mandatory exercise is here .
Reading material
- Jan 22: Chap 1 updated. Halfway through Chap 2.
- Jan 25: updated Chap 2 and 3.
- Feb 3: updated Chap 3.
- Feb 9: various small updates thanks to Mehdi.
- Feb 11: tried to fix the many inconsistencies between v and w in chap 4.
- Review on numerical methods for Navier-Stokes equations.
Weekly schedule (will be updated as we go)
- First week: Chapter 1 in the book. Hand-written notes
- Second week: Chapter 2, Exercise 1.1-1.4 in Chap 1. notes based on Chap 2.
- Third week: Chapter 3, Exercises in Chap 2. notes based on Chap 3.
- 4. week (starting Feb 10) : Finnish Chap 3 and start on Chap 4. Exercise 3.1 - 3.5. Notes.
- 5. week (starting Feb 17) : Finnish Chap 4 (ie convection-diffusion ). Exercises 4.1-4.4. Notes.
- 6. week (starting Feb 24) : winter holiday
- 7. week (starting March 3): Start on Chap 5, the Stokes problem.
will be spent on this review) .
- 8. week (starting March 10): Jørgen Dokken will show us the magic of FEniCSx.
- 9. week (starting March 17): Start on the following review of methods for Navier Stokes equations (a couple of weeks)
Background reading
Several of these books are available for downloads through the library.
- Braess, Dietrich. Finite elements: Theory, fast solvers, and applications in solid mechanics. Cambridge University Press, 2001. (perhaps the easiest read)
- Brenner, Susanne C., and L. Ridgway Scott. "Finite element multigrid methods." The Mathematical Theory of Finite Element Methods (2008): 155-173.
- Quarteroni, Alfio, and Alberto Valli. Numerical approximation of partial differential equations. Vol. 23. Springer Science & Business Media,
- Elman, Howard C., David J. Silvester, and Andrew J. Wathen. Finite elements and fast iterative solvers: with applications in incompressible fluid dynamics. Oxford university press, 2014.